Underthink it!

Underthink it!

If you can’t commit to yourself, who can you commit to? Have you ever had somebody make a commitment to you, then not follow-through with it?  It doesn’t feel good, does it? Have you ever made a commitment to yourself, then not followed-through with it? That feels...
Embracing the Perfectly Imperfect You

Embracing the Perfectly Imperfect You

“Find people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time them.  It will change your life”.  Amy Poehler  Since launching Fearlessly Facing Fifty and building a community of strong women, it has become even more evident to me how critical women are of the way...
EP 143: Stepping out and standing up! Meet Sarah Klein

EP 143: Stepping out and standing up! Meet Sarah Klein

Summary: In today’s episode of Better Than Gossip, Amy and Kristen chat with Sarah Klein, a renowned attorney, an advocate for victims of sexual abuse, and a former competitive gymnast. Sarah is also the first known victim of former US Women’s Gymnastics team...