Summary: In today’s episode of Better Than Gossip, Amy and Kristen chat with Sarah Klein, a renowned attorney, an advocate for victims of sexual abuse, and a former competitive gymnast. Sarah is also the first known victim of former US Women’s Gymnastics team...
Dr. Celeste Holbrook | How I Went From A 26-Year-Old Virgin To A Sex Expert Summary: In today’s episode of Better Than Gossip, Amy and Kristen chat with Dr. Celeste Holbrook, a sexologist, speaker, author and independent consultant who’s dedicated her life...
Toxic positivity. What is it exactly? Are we all guilty of it? Our guest Whitney Goodman answers all these questions! Defining Toxic Positivity When most people hear the term toxic positivity, what comes to mind is a list of phrases of things we shouldn’t say and...
In this episode, Renata Joy, the founder of Pure Joy Wellness shares why she’s so passionate about helping women make their health a top priority. Walking a Different Path from My family I grew up in a family where there was a lot of illness. My mom had polio when she...