Does this photo remind you of your closet?

Fashion, Scarlett Image

All black boring closet - change it with Scarlett ImageBoring?
Lots of clothes that look alike, perhaps lots and lots of black?

It’s time for you to stop making this very common clothes shopping mistake: Stop buying more of what you already own.

When it comes to buying clothes, you are likely drawn to what you’re used to wearing, even if it might not be your most flattering look or fit.

And then, you buy it over and over. Be it another pair of black pants, leggings, a top you have in multiple colors, etc.

Break your habit, and try on something you’ve never worn before. Hey, even I need to do this sometimes.

I promise you’ll be happily surprised when a totally different style, fit and color looks very good on you, and then your closet won’t be filled with clothes that all look the same and you’ll stop getting stressed out every time you open your closet.

Once you learn which styles are right for you and only you, choosing what to wear will become fun not stressful.
Tiny tweaks in our outfits make big differences in how we look and feel.

When you know the ones perfect for your unique features and life, you will stop feeling bad when you go out and start feeling and looking like the fabulous woman you are.

Plus, when you stop buying the same clothes over and over and start wearing clothes that fit the body and life you have now, you’ll be able to get dressed faster and look and feel put-together, confident and successful.

When you’re ready to stop feeling less than and turning down invitations and other opportunities, book a complimentary Know What To Wear Call with me and find out how to get outfits that will get you excited to go out and be seen.

By Scarlett De Bease from Scarlett Image



EP 158: Reinvention. Meet EvolveMe Co-Founders

EP 158: Reinvention. Meet EvolveMe Co-Founders

Reinvention. Meet EvolveMe Co-Founders Summary: In today's episode of Better Than Gossip, Amy chats with Judy Schoenberg and Linda Lautenberg, co-founders of EvolveMe, about their passion for midlife career reinvention for women. Judy and Linda share the story behind...

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