Laundry Hacks

Ageless Advice

Who has a laundry pile that resemble Mt. Everest on most days? It doesn’t matter if my house is filled to the brim with kids, or they’ve flown the nest, there is always something, a pile somewhere that needs to be washed.

As we continue our market research on info that might not be mainstream and needs to be shared we bring you  here are some laundry hacks that may be something you’ve always done or maybe something that will make you scratch your head. 

cute colorful laundry with person scratching their head

Things you can put in the washing machine you may have never realized.

Kitchen Sponges

They can go in the washer – now I’ll admit I sometimes put them in the dishwasher, but who knew you should wash them. Set the machine to sanitize or wash on hot for quick cycle.

Stuffed Animals

If you have littles or grandchildren, or maybe you still have a favorite hidden under your pillow – no judgement here. Put dirty stuffed animals in a mesh bag, and wash them on gentle. And bonus – if you are worried the littles might have a reaction to the detergent – wash with baking soda instead through a cycle.

Silicon trivets and over mits

They can be tossed in the washer on a warm water cycle – don’t mix them with clothes – but stick them in with a load of towels.

Car Floor Mats

Mine are gross and that’s an understatement. Don’t mix them with a load of clothes, but wash them on a gentle cycle (dust them off outside first)

Bed Pillows

I wash mine regularly. You’ve heard about them…dust, dead skin cells and dust mites – eeewww. You can wash them on hot (down and synthetic) and fluff your pillows in the dryer.

Mop Heads

They get so dirty and guess what you can throw them in the laundry. All you need to do is put them in a lingerie or mesh bag. Wash on warm cycle (put a splash of white vinegar with the detergent) and voila…just like new.

Running Shoes

Yes – this is a lifesaver. Toss them in with a load of towels so they don’t bang around and wash on warm. Sit them out in the sun to dry or dry on low heat.


How many times have you or one of the littles spilled something inside a backpack? The trick is turn them inside out and wash on a low temperature. Lay flat to dry.

Yoga Mats

Does your mat look a little dingy? No fear – toss it in a low heat quick wash on gentle (skip the spin cycle) and air dry.

Baseball Caps

I’ve washed these for years. Cold water – gentle cycle and air dry only. You can pick up a hat rack on amazon to stick in there as it dries to keep its shape.

So if you’ve gotten to the end and are saying, “Wait I have another hack to share” please share it in the comments.



EP 158: Reinvention. Meet EvolveMe Co-Founders

EP 158: Reinvention. Meet EvolveMe Co-Founders

Reinvention. Meet EvolveMe Co-Founders Summary: In today's episode of Better Than Gossip, Amy chats with Judy Schoenberg and Linda Lautenberg, co-founders of EvolveMe, about their passion for midlife career reinvention for women. Judy and Linda share the story behind...

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