I Am Going To Share A Secret 

Most of us are walking around partially dehydrated, and we don’t even know it. 

Guess what? Being even a little dehydrated affects our ability to make decisions. Our days are all about decision-making, from the moment we wake up to when our head finally hits the pillow. Decisions about business, relationships, and especially what we will eat and drink.

Our daughter got married in June, and it exceeded our expectations. I knew the week would be full of high emotions, big personalities, strong opinions, lots of food and drink, and non-stop activities. I needed to be at the top of my game to navigate things and not lose my composure. I was the glue holding the whole sh*t show together.

By ensuring I was well hydrated, I could be all things to all people, still enjoy the festivities, and manage the stress. Thank goodness!

Of course, we sipped delicious natural wines all weekend. And even enjoyed a few tequila light drinks. I didn’t want high alcohol, added sugar, or growing chemicals tripping me in a glass of celebratory wine and hijacking a minute of my time.

We are all trying to do our best every day. I love to help people understand the power of hydration, habit, and food to help us navigate everything life brings our way, from the best times to the days that challenge the very fiber of our soul. 

Hydration is the low-hanging fruit of wellness, and it’s essential to know how to make it work for you. Here is one of my favorite hydration tips.

The best way to start each day is by rehydrating after the fast that occurs during sleep.

This is how to start your day with warm lemon water. 

Combine at least 8oz of warm water with the juice from half a fresh lemon together in your am tonic. This will help to rehydrate your body, aid digestion, prevent oxidation, stimulate your metabolism, and supply you with healthy doses of vitamin C and potassium.

This AM tonic can help flush toxins from your digestive tract by stimulating peristalsis providing alkaline hydration to help minimize inflammation. Warm lemon boosts the immune system, stimulates the digestive tract, and helps regulate blood pressure.

Warm lemon water is an easy habit to add to your routine to start each day off right. Be sure to use a straw when drinking warm lemon water to protect your tooth enamel.

Use the power of routine to add lemon water tonic to start each day with intention, purpose and hydration.


EP 146: Looking forward with Alex Sanfilippo

EP 146: Looking forward with Alex Sanfilippo

Looking forward with Alex Sanfilippo In today's episode of Better Than Gossip, Amy and Lisa chat with Alex Sanfilippo, a podcasting guru, the host of the top-rated show, Podcasting Made Simple, and the founder of PodPros, which focuses on serving, connecting and...

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